Saturday, 24 December 2011

Don't of Building Back Links

Exclusively post when you can add links to your site. By doing this, you are not only spamming your site with unwanted details and stuff but also directing your resources and energy towards unwanted construction which could have been utilized for a better field for a fruitful purpose.

Never go around exchanging or marketing your URLs in any social gatherings. You not only appear as a blabber mouth but also are looked down upon by some jealous people who land up saying, “As if you are the only one who is great!” In short, never boast about your work in social gatherings.

Never wear your URL on your shirt or walk while talking on your mobile phone which might just display your URL on the back. More even, never publicize that you are reading a book which is likely to contain your URL on its cover or insides. People might just think this is another marketing campaign aimed towards them to visit your site.

Start offering small odd amounts to people for visiting or recommending your site and increasing the amounts a bit by bit till they finally give in.

Adding unnecessary plug-ins of other related articles at the end of your article to divert people from their focus of interest and leave a bad impression of the site. Never even think of doing that! You are not only leaving a bad reputation for your site but hampering your future traffic growth!

Always keep in mind, that while backlinks help in increasing the traffic on your site, it might prove destructive if you do not place them keeping the quality of the content in mind. If you are just randomly inserting backlinks without keeping the content in mind, you are not only portraying a bad content for the readers but are also playing around with your future business prospects. Hence, proper trade-off is essential between number of backlinks you tend to target for a particular site and the quality of backlinks you provide for each site. 

Keeping this in mind will not only increase the reader viewership of your own portal but also strike a business cord alliance thereby increasing the hits and not forgetting your own bottom line! 

Some Good Ways to Build Backlinks

Building up a list of Guru’s and experts on your website might well create an impression that your website is well known and is appreciated in the top ranking cadre. A good way to acknowledging experts in the field and building up business partnership with them.

Make your content user friendly and easy to understand. If it’s easy to understand and updated, it is more likely that the user might visit your site and again for good quality data.

Build up business relationships with the clients and offer them news and exclusive content.

Participate in online forums; provide answers, reviews and comments with useful links that link to your website thereby increasing the traffic.

Engaging in sponsorship activity. It can prove to be a useful tool in gaining visibility and indirectly provide a warm feeling to your heart. 

Importance of Backlinks

Wouldn’t you like to optimize the traffic and the number of hits you receive on the site? Well, the search engine optimization techniques provide various tools and methods to increase the traffic on your site and help you generate good viewership and hits.
Before dwelling more on back link as a tool and achieving your maximum out of the technique, wouldn’t you want to know what the concept revolves around? Obviously, it is more beneficial to know the concept before knowing getting the full fledged benefit out of the tool. So what does back link actually mean or relate to in the SEO world?

Well, backlinks are now one of the most important tools and are often called the building blocks to your website.  Also, called as inbound links (links that are directed towards your website) the links indicate the popularity or the importance of the site.

Other beneficiary factor by which can be derived from using this technique is the count of the backlinks on the site helps to get higher ranking as regards to the concerned webpage on a search engine like Google as regards other sites.  However, the cliché over here is the quality, never compromise on the quality of the content as the search engine as well as the viewers take in the quality of the content and treat it as a factor for visiting the site again and again.  

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

What is Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, SEO, simply means optimizing a website to search engines criteria. It is a process of manipulating aspects of a website or choosing targeted keyword phrases to improve ranking of the website on the search engines.

Optimization is mainly done to make the pages of the websites readable to search engines and potential internet visitors. Search engines use ‘spiders’ and ‘crawlers’, normally termed as search engine robots, to visit various websites and index the information on those pages. This indexing further helps in ranking the website on the basis of targeted keywords, its popularity and the quality of the content. The ranking also depends on the page design, page structure, length of the article and even the codes that are used to build the pages.

Apart from finding the relevant keywords for the articles, it is also important to maintain a word count of minimum 200 words and a maximum length of 100 kb for easy optimization. Too short articles are usually penalized by the search engines robots and too long articles are given up because they require much longer time to download. Search engines usually prefer CSS layouts, so it is always beneficial to have CSS based websites. Titles of the pages also play a major role in ranking and the robots offer higher ranks to pages with meaningful titles that adequately describe the content of those pages. Most of the search engines also give importance to headings, sub headings and a descriptive text link to some meaningful website or page.

Every website owner dreams to have a higher search engine ranking and if done correctly nothing can stop a website from competing and reaching the peak.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

SEO Mistakes - Discover and Resolve

SEO mistakes is one common subject that professionals often ignore but the truth states that it is one of the most important and critical element of search engine optimization. There are many components that play an integral role when it comes to website optimization but one wrong way can substantially nullify all your efforts and sheer dedication you put in for SEO work.

Some most common SEO mistakes are wrong use of keywords, stuffing of keywords, irrelevant title, insignificant html coding, lack of keywords, ignoring title tags, and laying emphasis on just one aspect of SEO. There are many aspects of search engine optimization like SEO article writing, keywords, HTML, meta tags, link  building, social media marketing, and blogging. Emphasizing on one single element of SEO can prove to be a failure because there are no strict rules and guidelines of what can affect what in the field on online marketing.

Apart from these common mistakes, excessive use of flash files and javascript menus are also not supported or appreciated by search engines.

In brief, it is always better to use an ethical route to search engine optimization rather than using unethical sources and medium.

Read more of my blogs on Truth of Life and World of Poems 

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Components of SEO

Search engine optimization is a vast field wherein certain components play an integral role. Content, HTML tags, and link building or referring links are important components of SEO. All these three help promote a website or a business through the strategic algorithm of various search engines on the web.

Content is always known to be the king of web world. Everything on the net is either ruled by content or by images and pictures. These actually make it easier for the website owner and SEO professionals to optimize a website. SEO content writers always take care of keyword density, content flow, and content uniqueness while writing SEO articles.

Allowable HTML tags should always be taken care when optimizing a website. This is actually tagged to be the backbone of search engine optimization. There are certain set guidelines and regulation when creating the HTML page of any website and these regulations should be thoughtfully revised and understood by SEO professionals.

Then there is link building or referring links that is all what a SEO looks for. The entire game of optimizing is to get backlinks and when such are received from niche related websites, it is considered valuable by search engines. SEO professionals should always keep in mind the perfect strategies of off-page optimization through which backlinks can be successfully received.

All SEO article writers and SEO professionals should always take care of these essential SEO components to ensure better optimization.

Read more of my blogs on Truth of Life and World of Poems.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

SEO Content Writing Tips

SEO content writing is an art that blends together creativity, imagination, and strategic information with regards to the concept of SEO. With this art it is very important for SEO content writers to please search engines as well as readers. Both the search engines and users or readers play an integral role when it comes to such kind of writing.

The first and foremost important thing is the keyword that should be randomly stuffed keeping in mind an optimum density of about 2 to 4%. Stuffing the keyword is not the only task but these should make sense and add meaning to the sentences and phrases. To capture the attention of users and search engines it is very important to place keywords naturally and informatively.

Then another thing to keep in mind is the need of fresh and unique content. Everyone loves uniqueness and freshness in their life and so do the online medium of internet marketing. While writing the content, the SEO article writer should also keep in mind the target audience and then write based on their preferences, desires, and expectations. The content should have a reflection of their daily routines and lifestyle.

In SEO content writing, writers should also take care of authenticity of resources. Writers should always validate the information they put on web for readers. Once the fresh content is ready with the best of keywords then it is also important to advertise it through search engine optimization techniques like social bookmarking, directory submissions, article directories, blogs, and press releases.

The utmost important thing in SEO content writing is to be genuine and natural – that’s the best web content writers can do with their content and gain traffic.

Read my latest blogs on Truth of Life and World of Poems

Friday, 20 May 2011

SEO Article Writing in India

SEO article writing in India is gaining prominence in the business world and is quickly outnumbering other internet marketing technologies. The trend is gaining popularity in all sectors including finance, electronics, communication, software, and electronics. The entire business world today is hiring SEO experts to promote their business and get more number of leads. The key purpose of SEO in business is to get leads and then how effectively leads can be transformed into profits is all based on the potential and credibility of the organization.

Article writing is an essential component of SEO that helps easy promotion and keyword ranking of a business or a website. Business firms across the globe hire article writers from India with a desire to get maximum profits with minimum investments. It is believed that outsourcing SEO article writing to India is a profitable business as India is known to be a vast pool of talented professionals who work at comparatively lower wages as compared to writers in other countries.

The biggest source of article outsourcing is from U.S. apart from this Europe, U.K, and Australia are also gradually venturing into Indian subcontinents in search of article writers to promote their business. With all this, SEO article writing in India, is becoming an essential mode of earning profits.

Read my latest blogs on Truth of Life and World of Poems